仏暦 2514 年(1971 年)石油法の改正法案の意見公募が行われ、二酸化炭素の回収・貯留(CCS) 関連活動に対する具体的な法的枠組みの整備が進められています。石油法改正法案は、「カーボ ン事業」を…
A public hearing was held on the draft amendment to the Petroleum Act, B.E. 2514 (1971), under which a specific legal framework has been developed to accommodate carbon capture and storage (CCS) related activities. The Draft Petroleum Act will regulate “carbon business” as activities….
Since Thailand’s pledge to reach climate change goals at COP26, various government agencies and public organization have been actively progressing efforts to realize the goals through various schemes and measures. In this article, we discuss how the projects related to COP26 commitments, including Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) should be promoted in more effective ways to realize Thailand’s sustainability goals. Read more…